“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Matthew 5:13 -14

We advise all parents to learn about safeguarding children. As part of HeronBridge Community Church’s commitment to the community, we will be offering the Alpha Parenting courses in 2025.

HeronBridge Community Church operates as a pop-up church, setting up and packing away all essentials each Sunday, including chairs, coffee stations, kids' areas, and welcome tables. Job cards help ensure every task is completed efficiently.

Alpha course
The Alpha Course is a series of sessions, each exploring a different topic around faith, aimed at sparking honest discussion in a non-judgmental and non-threatening environment.

The aim and purpose of the Care Ministry is to love and care for those in need in our church community. HeronBridge Community Church understands that as the Body of Christ we are called to look after, care for and provide for those who may be struggling.

Heronkidz offers children aged 3–12 a fun, faith-filled space to grow through games and Bible lessons, while babies and toddlers stay with their parents, with quiet toys provided for a peaceful service.

Prayer, care
and counseling
HeronBridge Community Church is dedicated to serving both the physical and spiritual needs of the community, offering Christ-centered support through prayer and counseling.
Serving is an integral part of who we are at HeronBridge Community Church – From setting up on a Sunday morning; hosting Bible Studies during the week; praying for and reaching out to our community; teaching the youth and the little ones; there are plenty of ways to get involved with the life of our church!
Our ministry teams are always looking for more hands to join them.